Wednesday, March 26, 2008

WTnotthebadFword Wednesdays: FAME!

This, kids, is my lunch box from first grade. As you can see, it features Cocoa, Leroy, the teacher played by Debbie Allen and the whole Fame Gang. I proudly carried this lunch box as an expression of who I was as a six-year-old, just struggling along, waiting for my big break on Broadway, trying to rise above the gritty streets by devoting myself to my craft.

Or, you know, as a white kid in some homemade knickers and mongrammed sweater, going to a Christian school in Paragould, AR.

Along about the 4th grade, I was in a talent contest at the fair. Well, I should clarify that this was actually the Northeast Arkansas District Fair, not just some piddly county fair, and, for further clarification, it was a preliminary competition for the Mid-South Fair. For this big moment (my big break?!?), no other song but "Fame" would do. So there I was, in the sweltering September heat, wearing a tuxedo shirt, red sequin bowtie and cummerbund, and some lycra pants on which my Mom had sewed a red sequin stripe all the way down the side of both legs. Oh, and my hair in a side ponytail with a sequin scrunchy---because how else would I wear my hair when I am up there belting out, "Baby, remember my name" (remembah, remembah)?

I am rather on a roll of self-disclosure here, so I will go ahead and tell this part, too: There comes a point in the song (karaoke tape) that is the height of 80's synthesized musical breaks...and being a gal who does not like to waste a moment on stage, I decide that this is the perfect opportunity for me to show off some of my other skills, namely, doing a back handspring, followed by a toe-touch. Oh, yes I did. And then I ran back to pick up the mic off the floor and close with a rousing, one-step-higher-for-effect chorus. Remembah, remembah...Fame! (aaaaaaaaaand....jazz hands!)

I am pretty sure that my mom went to bed that night wondering why she had been stuck with the most ridiculous child on the face of the earth.


Hannah said...

Please tell me that this whole event is on video! You are hilarious!

Polly said...

I am laughing out loud! I might even pee my pants!

Brian, Jamie, Molly & Sarah said...

Wow, I don't know that I knew that story, and I thought I knew EVERY embarrasing story about you. Great story, I needed a belly laugh today.


Danna Ramsey said...

I'm going to bed tonight wondering why that didn't lead to a Disney contract...

Redhead Rambles said...

FAME was the best -- don't doubt yourself!

Jenn said...

You could have been on the Micky Mouse club with Brittney and Justin...what were they thinking?? I really think that this post deserves a picture...don't you?? :)

Danielle Balentine said...

Oh my goodness!! I'm right there with Polly. I'm about to pee my pants! You have such a gift of writing so that your readers can imagine in detail what's happening. Listen, I've got my own very embarrasing talent show story that I might indulge in private sometime. Your sooo brave!!